JEWISH "BLESSINGS" (Really Curses), July 22, 2022
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Published on 22 Jul 2022 / In News and Politics
There is no end to the curses the Jews bring to the table
*** Communism, 50-100 million casualties
*** Marxism
*** Zionism (former "chosen by" ... No more)
*** Holocaust Lies - HOAX "Boot on our neck" extorting the nations.
*** WWII, 80 million dead
*** Rothschild (usury) banking
*** Holodomers ... Stealing and starving the Russian people, especially in the Ukraine.
*** African slave trade -- Aaron Lopez
*** Feminism - destruction of the family.
*** Open borders, illegal immigration. Remove the power of homogeneity ... Race mixing; White genocide
*** CRT
*** 9-11, Homeland Security
*** USS Liberty attack
*** 1965 immigration act.
*** Mass VAXX/COVID 19
*** Porn/Transgender, child trafficking, pedophile
*** BLM, Antifa
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