Jericho 941: IMI / IWI Magnum Research Desert Eagle / Baby Eagle
GodFamilyAndGuns - 396 Views
Published on 05 Apr 2018 / In People and Blogs
Israel Military Industries/IMI, Israel Weapons Industry/IWI and Magnum Research have truly gone through some changes over the years as a weapons producer. But two things have not changed. First their weapons are still amazing and Israel still is a major force in the Middle East. This video covers the history of the Jericho and its amazing ability.
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7 years ago
If you still like the decocker then the way to go is Magnum Research Baby Eagle. They are made by Bul, another Israeli maker that builds quality handguns (original supplier to Kimber). Magnum for some reason likes the decocker.
The newer Jerichos as stated have no decocker & the safety is now on the frame.
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7 years ago
Always enjoined your videos , glad to see you on UGETube.
god bless
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