JD farag: Bible Prophecy Update: It's a Matter of Time
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I have a great Idea, why don't all of us Christians, prepare our wills and leave all our worldly goods and money to the Government so they can give it all to the poor and people who despise us. After doing that, all Christians can commit suicide in a safe ecological friendly manner. It would be very un Christian and very unkind for Christians to cause the people who hate us and despise Jesus to have to kill us. We should spare these poor servants of Satan and the anti Christ any discomfort, and uneasiness in the act of killing us. Who knows what effect killing millions of Christians will have on the mental health of our poor murderers. To be good Christians we must spare the worshippers of Satan and the Anti Christ the mental anguish of slaughtering us. Yeah Right.

Sorry I have to reject this pastors teachings. Jesus did not jump off the landing craft at Normandie on D-Day. Jesus didn't raise the American flag on Iwo Jima. MEN DID THAT. I love Jesus but if you expect me to willingly and happily march up and place my head in a noose, well I guess I can't be a Christian. Evil triumphs because good men do nothing.

Thank you, Linda. This was JDs best. May God bless all who read this in the name of Jesus Christ!
Lord God Almighty, I pray for all Christians who will be forced to die for their faith - Lord please give each one strength & courage to do your will. I especially pray for the tribulation saints - that you will give each one courage & strength to do your will, in Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen & Hallelujah!