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Jan @ XtremeRealityCheck Given an A.i. Manufactured Dream about USA Invasion

JamesRoss - 197 Views
Published on 12 Nov 2024 / In Non-profits and Activism

Masonic obelisk or Arch of Titus is why Mystery School minions direct 11/11. Freemason run Politics, Police, Military are about to spring their NWO takeover trap... Freemasons and Eastern-Stars are trained how to backstab goyim from their high-school teens. They begin learning that society has always been divided between the cUlt-initiate-sheepdogs and the sheeple herd.

When you find a btrainchip-puppet-preacher who thinks he or she is linked-up to the Creator-God rather than to the brainchip-hivemind... then Homo capensis uses them as a speaking piece. Visuals coming through manufactured dreams are created by the A.i. brainchip controlling the level of dream-consciousness... it is not really sleep they are experiencing... it is A.i. controlled consciousness. Non-the-less, the message is coming from the same hivemind that is controlling the Mystery School cUlt communists minions preparing to takeover the USA. There may still be too many armed citizens for a successful takeover... so warn everyone to those in control of the poison-injections and arms reduction.

The nuclear atom bomb is a hoax to frighten the sheep... Yet Alex Jones still pushes that fear into his listeners:

A BPP gave this map of the invasion a year ago:

A few years ago another BPP gave her warning of an invasion, too:

So don't take Jan's warning lightly... it comes from the ones in control.


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