IWI Tavor: Israeli Battle Rifle, Nutnfancy Full Review
I was immediately impressed with the IWI Tavor at SHOT 2013 when I examined it. I said then it would be a huge hit and delivers to the market what the then non-existent Beretta ARX 100 hadn't in over three years [and when it did arrive it STILL failed to impress me, it pretty much sucks watch: https://youtu.be/IigtLg90250). But it gets no free pass in The Nutnfancy Project and if I'm wrong about the Tavor, I'll tell you. So we got serious here. Testing in TNP consisted of a lot of Run N Gun, stressed combat drills, and off the bench accuracy testing. This is a proven Israeli combat rifle already and that is acknowledged; we research its specifics and capabilities for the American shooter here. And it's kind of special too. Few other rifles, without tremendous cost, will arrive to you direct from the original manufacturer (and Mid East battlefields) in such pure form. IWI did an excellent job in preserving the Tavor to American hands, making most of it right here in the US. Don't be fooled thought, this is the same gun used in Gaza Strip just semi-auto (who needs full auto anyhow?!] An interesting discussion kicks of the video as we review that advantages of this tiny 26 1/8" bullpup. Can you shoot your AR-15 accurately off the back of a motorcycle? In detailed Nutnfancy fashion, we then look at ergonomics, features, materials and construction, weight and feel [comparisons against an AR-15 SPR], accessories, accuracy, and durability. Two FDE Tavor models were tested: TSB16 and TSFD18 [both rec'd over the Mepro-21 IDF style Tavor for reasons discussed]. Bottom line: with plenty of in the dirt testing, the crew of Black Army Dude and PFIDude and myself came away wanting the Tavor. Yes it possesses some serious quirks and it gets NO pass here for them. But overall this is indeed rugged military weapon that we'd feel comfortable defending our lives with.//////////////////////////////////////////////Nutnfancy Likability Scale: 8.5 out of 10 [see video for downsides]/////////////////////////Get Nutnfancy signed Tavor shell casings, hats, shirts at HTTP://WWW.NUTNFANCY.BIGCARTEL.COM