Italian I.T. Expert testifies in Rome he switched votes throughout the U.S. in 2020 race. The Viking
Nations in Action Press Release from January 6th 2021. An I.T. expert, Arturo D’elio, working for the world's 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo Spa, has testified he participated in vote switching throughout the United States. He testified he used Leonardo's computer system and satellites located in Pescara, Italy. Did the Viking, Jake Angeli, meet Nancy Pelosi's son in law, Michael Voss before entering the capital or at any other time?

... HEADS UP (Useful mini-compendium?)

... ... Re: this video ... my B.A. EngLit Real-Time PET Scan of it definitely seems to indicate a strategically subtle, consistent "You'll Hear What You're Listening For" indefinite doublespeak construct. I myself hear "rigged red, running silent, stay frosty = plan-in-motion" mode. I think this because the vast majority of swamp creatures have been flushed out by being forced to go on very public, and airtight-legal record re: their now-fully revealed overt treason and sedition. I think Schumer knows this, hence his scuttling, shrieking urgency to get rid of POTUS. The Black Hats are so obsessed with what they think is the victory finish line, that they can't see the faint cavitation trails of the arrays of covert depth torpedoes running toward them. They have, after all, got too used to always winning. I think these torpedo arrays are staggered and staged to create maximum shock via increasingly consequent chaos, and the deep-running covert torpedo arrays shall then be followed by also-increasingly visible overt actions ... which shall nevertheless be rendered covert by the rapidly increasing digital communications blackout. Global Human Civilization, such as it is, is in the balance ... and The United States Of America is the fulcrum. I myself intuit that it'll be rough at times, but we'll make it.


... "Viking Guy" to me seems much more a typical downfall snarky symbol reiteration of Pelosi's Goat Hill Pizza in SF. And Leonardo's logo is definitely a sideways umbrella / parachute. Have you seen Da Vinci's sketches of battlefield killing machines? They're incredibly brutal. Wonder if Salai knew Leo could get so dark. Leo could, and did, after all, bend iron bars with his bare hands as a party stunt.