Israelis Are Selling Stolen Palestinian Land To Americans AJ+.mp4
Israelis Are Selling Stolen Palestinian Land To Americans AJ+
Israelis Are Selling Stolen Palestinian Land To Americans
hardly act like Gods chosen liars from the beginning
Even the best of Goyim (thats us) should all be killed. (Soferim 15)
Every Jew who spills the blood of the non-Jew is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God. (Bammidber Raba c21)
Show no mercy to the Gentiles. (Hikkoth Akum X1)
A Gentile is forbidden to steal, rob or take women slaves from a Jew. But a Jew it's not forbidden to do all this to a Gentile. (Tosefta Abda Zara V111 5)
Property of the Gentile belongs to no one and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it. (Shulchan Aruch Choszen Hamiszpat 156)
All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation. Jews can seize it all. (Shulchan Aruch Choszen Hamiszpat 348)
All Zionist pigs can go and get fuked
Never forget why Israel is Hated so much.
Benjamin Freedman.
His speech at the Willard Hotel in 1961.
Listen to this recording.
Every Palestinian knows this stuff.
Every British & American Jew knows this stuff.