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Israel the Center of the Future World

Know Thy Enemy
Know Thy Enemy - 369 Views
Published on 05 Jul 2021 / In Non-profits and Activism

Will Israel be the center of the globalist wet dream? What are the plans for our future, and how will it play out when things go as planned, we will explore the possibilities for a greater Israel by understanding what is going on today. Let`s hope their creations will never succeed, as it has gone wrong many times before.

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Suzanne Anon
Suzanne Anon 3 years ago

Hitler had Rothschild ARRESTED & HIS BANKS CONFISCATED. Nazis fought AGAINST communists/communism. Just as Putin KNOWS who/what the COMMON ENEMY IS TODAY, Hitler also knew. But the U.S. was ALREADY INFILTRATED by 'jews' who got us to, as General Patton said, FIGHT AGAINST THE WRONG PEOPLE, and so Germany lost. And we see the ENTRENCHMENT OF CORRUPTION & PERVERSITY EVERYWHERE TODAY as a DIRECT CONSEQUENCE of this sad, tragic set of circumstances. Yes, Patton was CORRECT! And so was Hitler, who has had so many lies told about him that UNLESS WE CORRECT THE 'HISTORY' BOOKS/EDUCATION here is what SHALL happen -- the 'Trump Supporters' of today shall be PERPETUALLY DEMONIZED as were the 'Nazis' of yesterday. This SICK CYCLE MUST END, or Humanity will end. There is no 'peaceful coexistence' with human sacrificers & predators of children.

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Suzanne Anon
Suzanne Anon 3 years ago

When my dearly beloved President, Donald Trump, says over & over that we 'will stand with ISRAEL no matter what" -- I EARNESTLY HOPE & PRAY that in his mind he is FIRM on the DISTINCTION between 'Israel' the PEOPLE spoken of in the Bible, as utterly separate and apart from IsraHELL the GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION OF THE ROGUE STATE BY SIMILAR NAME! If so, we're good to go. If not, need I say more?

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