Israel Gaza War an0maly Will The Israel War Be Used To Remove Protests And Speech From America 10-14-23.mp4
Israel Gaza War an0maly Will The Israel War Be Used To Remove Protests And Speech From America 10-14-23
Will The Israel Tragedy & Palestine Events Be Used To Remove Protests And Speech From America?

You keep saying 'majestically'.
You mean Magically.
You're not being a dick.
You ARE speaking truth.
But stop saying you are the only one that knows this sht.
some of us are old enough to be your mama, & WE knew this sht before you were born.
The Patriot Act?
Was written before 911 happened, and we know it.
Also, you don't mention Glenn Greenwald.
What do you think of him ?
Ok, I realize this isn't his channel.
Thanks for posting this.
: )
Jews get pissed if you call them white...
& Islam is absolutely a political system masquerading as a religion.

My mother told me all this stuff decades ago.
I know.
We need a hero & Trump is the closest thing to it so far.
We tell ourselves that Trump has bad advisors.
We tell ourselves that he uses the bad ppl, puts them out front so they expose who they really are.
Meanwhile, we wait.
& wait.
& wait.
for the arrests.
But in the back of my mind, I keep hearing him say/ sing the snake song.
"You knew I was a snake when you took me in..."
long after Killary was no longer a problem...
we need to see somethng.
It's past time.
And Idc if it's considered hate speech - ANY speech -- it is all FREE speech, unless TELLING ppl to commit violence, or calling "FIRE" in a crowded place.