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Is Trump a Freemason Serving Apollyon

JamesRoss - 322 Views
Published on 05 Oct 2024 / In People and Blogs

You didn't know that Trump is a Freemason traitor to the dumbed-down sheeple?
Is Trump a NWO Freemasons? Well, he is.... totally
Well he is...
And Kamala is just another NWO idiot serving the NWO Cult.

If you want to save humanity, then you need to see the traitors for who they are.
Deep under Freemasonry is another species who are very skinny and have genetically altered their biology with ancient A.i. to live for thousands of years. They believe that soul-transfer really works to move a biological soul-fragment into a new clone. But it is all a lie that the Freemasons swallow-up.
Sheeple don't not about this type of brainwashing because they are brainwashed to follow the bible. A bible manipulated by Homo capensis back over a thousand years ago. So it is time for the sheep to awaken.

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JamesRoss 2 months ago

yougottagetthis left a couple of links towards stupidity... I banned the garbage but you can seek out here junk if you wish.
Instead I suggest you seek truth from the SethBooks. There are many Luciferians misguiding the sheep these days.

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