Is there still hope... ? Does GOD still love people...?
Encouraging message.

Lord's Prayer (Aramaic):
psalm 50 in Aramaic:
And I have reason to believe that this place has everything to do with the above, with the Father and with the Son: And I humbly suggest that you DISREGARD ALL NONSENSICAL CHATTER that this glorious place was built by the hand chisels of Nabateans! There is a passage in the Bible about a time when Elizabeth fled with her son, John, to avoid being murdered. The Bible says that "the rock opened" to receive them. Look closely at the long pathway to what is called 'the Treasury' (Treasury of LIGHT and NOT $$, as is commonly assumed). Does it not look as though the 'rock' split -- as the contours mirror one another? And then there is the temple above all of it. The are numerous Biblical passages which speak of 'going UP' to the temple... and of course, where was Yashua the Christ baptized? In the River Jordan.
The fundamental wrong turn that has been taken is to CONFUSE the word "Israel" which speaks of a PEOPLE, with IsraHELL which speaks of a PLACE which is a cesspit housing 'the jews' who NOWHERE in the Bible are spoken of well. On a related not, the Book of Enoch speaks of an "Age of Righteousness" -- which I personally believe the ONLY people who fit that description were Germans who were martyred during their mortal combat with the Beast and his minions -- which my own country, United States, was one such minion, and apparently still is!
Thank you for your genuine sharing.

About that music video that I provided the link to. I have a photograph of Eva Braun wearing that exact dress...and so, I wonder. Is that who this woman is depicting? I believe that it is. The particular details are stunning. For example, this other work by Havisi: pause this video at the 3:13 time marker and look. I just went to find that for you, and already my tears wont stop.

This is for you:

Ich entschuldige mich für die unsensible "Person", die Ihre Plattform hier wie eine "Werbetafel" für ihre Geschäftswerbung missbraucht hat! Leider zeigt ein solches Eindringen einen allgemeinen Mangel an Integrität, was leider den Sinn dieses Videos veranschaulicht. Dein Herz ist aus vielen Gründen schon schwer. Du kommst als natürlich geborenes Mitglied von DAS BESTE, WAS DIE MENSCHHEIT ZU BIETEN HATTE - Punkt!! Ich verstehe diese Wahrheit jetzt voll und ganz. Das verspreche ich Ihnen!