This video is being processed. Please try again soon.Is the 2nd Amendment Really for Everyone? w. Gun Owners of America & Spike Cohen
Gun Owners of America, the Libertarian Party, Muddied Waters Media, and The System is Down, proudly present: Is the 2nd Amendment Really for Everyone?, with GOA and moderated by Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Candidate, Spike Cohen.
This incredible panel discussion took place on July 11, 2020 at the Libertarian National Convention and I was honored to be able to be there and capture it. The panelists shared many great points and inspiring views on the gun rights issue and if this convo wasn't able to be shared with the world, it would be an absolute shame.
Spike Cohen (LP VP): http://jo20.com
Hank Strange (Hank Strange Media): http://hankstrange.com
Devin Perkins (Trench Work Chronicles): http://blogtalkradio.com/trenchwork
Rhonda Mary: http://youtube.com/RhondaMary
Alicia Garcia (A9 Design Co): http://a9designco.com
Edgar Antillon (Guns for Everyone): http://gunsforeveryone.com
Maj Toure (Black Guns Matter): http://facebook.com/blackgunsmattermajtoure
Antonia Okafor (GOA): http://gunowners.org
Guns Owners of America: http://gunowners.org
The Libertarian Party: http://lp.org
Muddied Waters Media: http://muddiedwatersmedia.com
Filmed and edited by
Daniel Smotz of Goulash Films: http://goulashfilms.com
The System is Down: http://tsidpod.com
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