Is Silicon Valley Building the Infrastructure for a Police State
WW3 is being conducted right now by the Freemasonic-Luciferians upon the dumbed-down sheople... you see... This officially and secretly began April 1st, 2020, with the "Plandemic"
A.i. is used to predict every person being surveillanced by celdar. Brainchips are implanted to monitor current time thoughts of people/targets who are difficult to assassinate or are too popular to murder. Clot-shot can be used to murder a target, but if the target resists vaccinations then a covert brainchip will likely be installed by the medical mafia ASAP.
Once implanted, those thoughts are included in the WW3 modelling by A.i. Lucifer.
To stop the NWO takeover the microwaves need to be stopped.