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Is President Joe Biden an Impostor wearing a Mask!!!

Brandon Nighthawk
Brandon Nighthawk - 127 Views
Published on 04 Jul 2024 / In News and Politics

In this video you will see how our President is a fake, an impostor since at least 2020! He's nothing but an actor played by who knows who and by who knows how many. Notice how much he talks about Russia & Putin? Putin is also an impostor and has been cloned for at least a decade!!! In CNBC's special before the fixed ballot ended, Joe Biden had this interview, you can clearly tell that he is wearing a mask and it was sloppily put on too as it doesn't match the skin tone whatsoever. This has been seen with many Global Elites and even actors in recent times. TPTB just doesn't care anymore because the public body refuses to pay attention, notice & acknowledge it and do something about it because of how severely society has been conditioned with Chemtrails and the like. In this video you will see how this is accomplished. In the 2010 movie Salt they did this. The film is about Russian Sleeper Agents...again it's RUSSIA!!! If it's been done in a movie, it's be been done is real life!!! Pay attention people, this has been going on far too long and now it's time to wake the heck up and see what's REALLY HAPPENING!!!

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