Is China Spying On Metaverse? (Shocking UN Guidelines)
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Don't worry about China... The Freemasons who live in your town and on your street are the secret communists of Western Civilization... time to wake up to the treachery of those pathetic soul-fragments.
Freemasons are now in a secret brainchip-hivemind army with all the other secret societies who conducted the Covid-19 clot-shots as a way to test their A.i. war-engine.
April 1st, 2020 was the official beginning of the the last phase of the World-Wars.... Cult thUgs against the oblivious sheeple.
Soon, the brainchipzombies will be roaming the streets trying to bit your asses...
My was banned by Freemasonry on thus I provide a link to download and open index.html: