Is 1984 Becoming a Reality? - George Orwell's Warning to the World
Is 1984 Becoming a Reality? - George Orwell's Warning to the World

Johnny Exodice
10 minutes ago
One must pay a price too know the Secrets of the Gods, and since we are looking to move on once and for all when 2094 CE becomes the Transition of the Trajectory for our Dead Human [Souls] Qballs~ /_\ in countless Graveyards and Catacombs of Human Bones, this world of Purgatory, nor your mind, not even your (DREAMS) [{**}] whence you sleep can find absolution, until, all them DEAD Human BONES are destroyed,
so the Spirits of our Ancestors "Trapped" in them many Graveyards on this side of FLAT EARTH in our shared Celestial Sphere can be set free,
and if Purgatory was not just a {REPLICATION and Simulation} +=+ of what happened too our Real Home World, I would demand the Bones of our Dead be dug up and Destroyed, so my SOUL......., and my Spirits could move on........., and not keep Repeating these Oraborus Phoenix RESETS of Minuets causing all to have DE-JA-VU....,
yet we already know we all Went Insane in the REAL WORLD Celestial Sphere, and Ripped Open the Sky with our NASA Trillion Watt Godzilla Lazers that destroyed all life, and we have been in a State of Grace be we good and evil, and yet,
no more will the Source of All Creation and All Destruction play this game of Redemption - Reconciliation - Reconsideration: because The Dammed, The Cursed, and The Forsaken have chosen Their Fate - Their Luck - Their Destiny....
Heretofore, to pass the TIME till the end of TIME in 2094 C.E. my romantic warriors` WE ARE shall Research and Investigate Magic + Code + Alchemy = Sorcery, and Movement - Colours - Sounds = The RAPTURE of these TV SCREENS'
that keep the Mindless Masses in these Days of Noah RESTORED "enraptured" till all life on this side of The World was Doomed, but we my People, and my Children of Pak-Toe are NOT DOOMED as them of the Racka in Mathew 5.....