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Inner Worlds Outer Worlds - Akasha (Part 1 of 4)

bodhi_mantra - 5,252 Views
Published on 13 Jul 2018 / In Film and Animation

Part one of the film Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds. Akasha is the unmanifested, the "nothing" or emptiness which fills the vacuum of space. As Einstein realized, empty space is not really empty. Saints, sages and yogis who have looked within themselves have also realized that within the emptiness is unfathomable power, a web of information or energy which connects all things. This matrix or web has been called the Logos, the Higgs Field, the Primordial OM and a thousand other names throughout history. In part one of Inner Worlds, we explore the one vibratory source that extends through all things, through the science of cymatics, the concept of the Logos, and the Vedic concept of Nada Brahma (the universe is sound or vibration). Once we realize that there is one vibratory source that is the root of all scientific and spiritual investigation, how can we say "my religion", "my God" or "my discovery".

By AwakenTheWorldFilm (
All 4 parts of the film can be found at or here
Music from the film can be found at
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Kabuki 7 years ago

Amazing. tyvm

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