Infowars Breaks Latest on Border Invasion, Killer Jabs, Ukraine & MORE as Globalists Sabotage Their Own Networks to Control Narrative Ahead of 2024 Presidential Election! – FRIDAY FULL SHOW 0
Infowars Breaks Latest on Border Invasion, Killer Jabs, Ukraine & MORE as Globalists Sabotage Their Own Networks to Control Narrative Ahead of 2024 Presidential Election! – FRIDAY FULL SHOW 04/28/23

meet bunch of rat+ figurants filling paris 11 streets for staging daily life covering holande-poniatowski-giscard mob robbing america with widodo rama x soetoro disguised as cia inside jude stolen assets

meet chinese snack room and nail shop
hosting lvmh nepali and thai massage room mob
between customers rotation
for avoiding to get busted by cops

dalai tongue lama was assisting batten for robbing america
as mental comfort such as : " i lost war but i will not lose reputation ... nobody will know it on cnn monitored by ted turner pedonazi lackey "

dalai tongue lama pretends to know what is written on alex jones mind
but does not know what is going in own dentures full of small penis stuck on tongue

oliver batten faked death in 1980s for escaping cops
now hiding own daughter between germany and england
check dna