Informed Consent - Are vaccines safe
Informed Consent - Are Vaccines Safe?
In this film, we hear from some of the greatest minds from the world of Medicine and Science who tell a very different story to the one you may hear in the mainstream or from your Doctor.
Subjects covered:
- An Introduction To Vaccines
- The Evolution of Childhood Vaccines
- Vaccines Side Effects & Mortality Rates
- Vaccine Injury Compensation
- The Coming COVID Vaccine
- Dr Sherri Tenpenny
- Dr Rashid Buttar
- Dr Jayne Donegan
- Dr Andrew Kaufman
- Dr Bradley Nelson
- Dr Gerald H Smith
Original Video:
Download "The Greater Good (2011)" - Banned on Amazon Prime:

Ignorance is NO LONGER Bliss once everyone you love is Dead…
In this data age of A.I. Attack Robots and CYLON Slaughter Bots as City after City loses its locally known Populations, we can see that {G4S] is right on the money when they say: Prepare for WORK ALONE Situations, and that [Supply Chains] QBALLS~ /_\ of Food, and Resources will break down LONG BEFORE 2025 during the Televised 1984 CAPITALIST Corporation {NEWS} World Order of U.N. Militant EMPIRE Troops kills off {Two Thirds} of this side of FLAT EARTHS world Population by way of these (COVID19) Hypodermic Needle Injections of Potions, and Poisons known as Code + Magic + Alchemy = Sorcery, and as the masses are “Memorized” by the RAPTURE of these TV Screens: will their U-tube Social Media “Jelly Beans” ever tell them what is happening to youm and I my nonmason Romantic Warriors of Pak-Toe when the Racka of FREE MASON LODGES Nuke Seattle WASHINGTON USA on November 3rd, 2021???
Now does this need to be A long writ for you too go to {DEAGEL.COM} and look at the Populations in 2019 and the Forecast for the Remaining Population in the USA in 2025.?.?.? No….., this can become a more COMPACT Entreaty [to your minds] [{*}} my People and Children of Pak-Toe as The Racka has already REMOVED our cities Populations by way of Transformation into ALT - MEAT known as: The Impossible Burger at Burger King, and all that HUMAN “oil” too fry your World Famous French Fries at the GOLDEN ARCHES of these Feeding stations for all these ROMAN Centurions Jesuit Zionist CATHOLICS: whom day after day kept their Jobs during this #COVAXXED Lock Down of Lock Step, and as I warned you that your POLICE, and Military have all been (replaced) [{**}] by U.N. Troop REPLACEMENT Populations from the other side of the world called The Southern Hemisphere, you do so too GO LOOK at the “Population” in your U.N. FLAG on and ponder what happens to my friends and {my family} that so many are DEAD DEAD DEAD by the end of 2021 let alone this Military CIA “Analyst” FORECAST for each U.N. FLAG in 2025???
Did not Christ Jesus 1.0 Warm You in the New Testament Bible that ONE would be standing there, and then ONE would be gone??? How many of your fellow Flesh, and Blood, and [Bones] People on this side of the Celestial Sphere known as the Northern Hemisphere have been (DELETED) or TERMINATED: by the EDISON A.I. that is now {fully operational} and controls ALL WEAPONS OF WAR IS MURDER in all U.N. FLAGS.?.?.?.?.? Sure there are “Machine People” in our Biological Form, but you do know they too are just Actors, and Actresses as ROBOTIC People on your TV Screens whom do all these [lies agreed upon] +=+ as day after day’ more and more HUMANS dissipate from your Mega Cities as these REMOTE Control 5G Death CELL Towers will pump out the Radioactive Microwave “Millimeter” WAVES, and Frequencies, and Vibrations till all you people, and even your self are [decomposing] /-\ bodies whom no one will no longer worry about your need to be fed…
Youm would do well to do as JON LEVI does……., and {walk about} in your EMPTY cities in the night and day, and “count” the REMAINING POPULATIONS where you live… You could consider RICHIE FROM BOSTON was a distraction as (youm did nothing) too PREP and Prepare, and you could invest all your LIFE SAVINGS into #AMTV Bitcoin Computations for a Monetary System no one will “need” once we are all DEAD DEAD DEAD!!! I will post the Link, so you might look up your U.N. FLAG and these {50 States Flags} of the USA that do not belong to the WORLD POLICE of Peacekeepers in the USA, but just know this, Our National Military, and Governed Governments come too kill, and murder we all…
Johnny Exodice
Look at the POPULATION {last jab down} onto the Job of ink on paper called: Electronic Markings of MARKETING to we The CONSUMER, and you will see these {G4S] and their FREE MASON Lodges of U.N. Troops have [no choice] / * \ but to come kill we all for their Day of Reckoning….
The Society of nonmason~
Where is the Best Place too “Hide” from all the Slaughter Bot DRONES of U.N. Troops where youm live.?.?.? I would say in the Underground Sewer Systems, but then again` them (Zombie Pilots) of hand held Drones with C4 are pretty impressive, you must just want to kill “those” whom have set you up too die.?.?.?.?.?.?.?
The Sentinel…
While everyone else “lies” too your FACE, and does not WARN YOU of what is too come, I Christ Jesus Returned have never Abandoned you...
Always Shoot First, and REMEMBER 7 ways in, and 7 ways out……...
The Commander~
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