In the Company of Saints We Become Saints
Some Sunday’s ago, we spoke about one of the signs of the God’s wrath upon the world, namely, that each man is left to go his own way, and that neighbor will devour neighbor. We have a choice ever in front of us during these difficult times… either we go our own way or we strive to become saints in the company of saints. To make a good and right decision, let us keep in mind what Blessed Francis Palau was told by the Church in mystic transports: “If you do not save others, you will not save yourself.” And let us never forget man cannot save himself… he cannot baptize himself, give himself absolution, and so on… we are saved in a company… His Majesty sent out his disciples two by two. He described a healthy faith as a mustard seed that becomes a tree for a flock of birds… Thus, St. Teresa of Jesus concluded: “In the company of Saints we become saints.” For more please visit & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest