Illegals being smuggled across the Rio Grande into TX this morning
From Charlotte Cuthbertson on Twitter today:
"Video taken in SE Texas this morning. Huge line of people waiting for smugglers to ferry them across the Rio Grande into the US. Video courtesy of Tripwires and Triggers. #BorderCrisis"
Quotes from Gateway Pundit:
"At the current rate, over three million illegal immigrants will have entered America by the end of Biden’s first term....Illegal border crossings totaled over 101,500 in February in Joe Biden’s first month in office... Undocumented immigrants are being let into America like it’s Disneyland...The border crisis was non-existent under Trump, whereas almost two months into Biden’s Administration it is rampant. Allowing the invasion on U.S. soil should be an impeachable offense."

... Shoot all invaders on sight. DEFEND OUR COUNTRY. And kick the rest of them back across the border. NOW.