John Michael Chambers Ft. KrisAnne Hall -Tyrannical Govenors - Sheriffs Rule - Governors Playing God
Dustin Nemos
370 المشاهدات
If your state government won't listen to you, move. By KrisAnne Hall
Mert Melfa - 583 المشاهدات
نشرت في 09 Mar 2019 / في الأخبار والسياسة
Move out of NY if they won't listen to your pleas to repeal the NY Safe Act. Don't rely on the federal government to help.
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منذ 6 سنوات
Spot on KrisAnne! It's no surprise that you mention two states as places of greater freedoms 12:05. One of them being the origin state for this platform UGETube.Com created and powered by UtahGunExchange.Com.
Hopefully the freedom lovers in all 50 states can work together to preserve this republic state by state.
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John Michael Chambers Ft. KrisAnne Hall -Tyrannical Govenors - Sheriffs Rule - Governors Playing God
Dustin Nemos
370 المشاهدات