IECV WWV #40 | Little Baby Turtle Planter 7-7-2016
Here is a little baby turtle planter i made some time back, it is to be a smaller version of my bigger turtle planter that i made a few years back hope you enjoy the video my friends...If You're New To My Channel Be Sure To "Subscribe" "like" "Comment" "Share" "👍👍👍 Up" Thanks! To All My Loyal Subscribers! For Watching And Commenting Have A Wonderful Week! And Be Sure To Click On The Bell And Set It To Get Notifications So You Won't Miss When I Upload A New Video' 👀 See You In The Next Video...
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If you would like to build this Baby Turtle planter the plans are down below
Planes to build the baby turtle
The Octagon shape is cut at 22.5 Degrees
Roll 1. Long "5 1/2" Cut "Two" of theses
Roll 2. Long "5 3/16" Cut "Two" of theses
Roll 3. Long "4 7/8" Cut "Two" of theses
Roll 4. Long "4 9/16" Cut "Two" of theses
Roll 1. Short "4" Cut "Six" of theses
Roll 2. Short "3 11/16" Cut "Six" of theses
Roll 3. Short "3 6/16" Cut "Six" of theses
Roll 4. Short "3 1/16" Cut "Six" of theses
Leg "3 12/16" Both ends of the leg cut at 45 Degrees Cut "Four" of theses.
Foot "1 13/16" Cut "Four" of theses
Neck "2 6/8" Both ends of the neck cut at 45 Degrees
Head "1 7/8" Long
Songs used in video
1:Big Car Theft
Big Car Theft by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
2:To The Top
3:Plain Truth
Youtube free music