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Idahoan Psalter: Psalm 63

TheIdahoanShow - 347 Views
Published on 24 Dec 2022 / In Music

The Idahoan shares his paraphrase of the 63rd Psalm.


Oh God, Thou art my God, let me hasten to draw near,
That in this parched and barren desert I may not give in to fear,
For my soul thirsts for Thy presence like this land does for water!

Oh God, Thou art my God, I will follow close to Thee,
For Thy glory and Thy pow’r poured out I yearn to see,
In this desolate wilderness, as in Thy sanctuary!

Oh God, Thou art my God, my lips shall praise Thy Name,
With my hands lifted to heaven I shall spread abroad Thy fame,
For as long as I shall live, for Thou didst my life redeem!

Oh God, Thou art my God, Thy love is better than life,
You satisfy my ev’ry need, and protect me from all strife,
Th’very thought of Thee brings joy to me in the darkness of the night!

Oh God, Thou art my God, and Thou wilt my life defend,
I will shelter ‘neath Thy wings as Thou my foes in pieces rend,
And scavengers shall eat their flesh, while into hell their souls descend!

Oh God, Thou art my God, my joy and my glory,
Source of exultant hope for all who put their trust in Thee,
And Thou wilt put all lies to silence, as Thy truth sets men free!

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