I have to go to court for publishing, guilty by court, killers names - DUTCH + English from BBC
fok reuzegom !! BBC report [English] --> https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65767457 -..+.. New York times ===> https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/04/world/europe/belgium-racism-sanda-dia.html
Reuzegom being a student club who buy slaves of the new arrivals who make them do horrible things
In this case which actually fits a bit wiith other Belgian cases like Dutroux and where lets call them 'high officially place' people lock up minors and rape them and kill them
The test was a handfull of these slaves got pissed on, dumped in a hole in freezing temperature and make them drink glass after glass of fish oil!! Yuuuuuck. Apart that one of em was black (accidentally?) him Sanda was killed this way and this guy reporting it here is a top Belgian influencer and mentioned a few names of those who who did it and got all away with 100 hours and a tiny fine for doing this.
For anyone Enlish its easy to find online in English btw.visit him and ask if not ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nldVu7MxfP8 nicknamed ACID 2 or Nathan by real name.
The influencer should publish all names of these higher up deranged students imo!!