Hypocrites! Authorities ignore their own rules
Last video for the night. The title says it all.
The video I was actually trying to save was about Covid ID:
" (CNN)The Department of Defense released the first images of a Covid-19 vaccination record card and vaccination kits Wednesday.
Vaccination cards will be used as the "simplest" way to keep track of Covid-19 shots, said Dr. Kelly Moore, associate director of the Immunization Action Coalition, which is supporting frontline workers who will administer Covid-19 vaccinations.
A Department of Health and Human Services employee holds a Covid-19 vaccine record card November 13 in Washington, DC.
A Department of Health and Human Services employee holds a Covid-19 vaccine record card November 13 in Washington, DC.
"Everyone will be issued a written card that they can put in their wallet that will tell them what they had and when their next dose is due," Moore said. "Let's do the simple, easy thing first. Everyone's going to get that."
Vaccination clinics will also be reporting to their state immunization registries what vaccine was given, so that, for example, an entity could run a query if it didn't know where a patient got a first dose.
Moore said many places are planning to ask patients to voluntarily provide a cell phone number, so they can get a text message telling them when and where their next dose is scheduled to be administered.
Every dose administered will be reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Claire Hannan, executive director of the Association of Immunization Managers.
The CDC did not immediately respond to CNN's inquiry about whether such a database would include a record of everyone immunized."
WHY IS THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE INVOLVED? Sounds a lot like an ID card to me. Also,
"So eventually they’ll require that we have to show “identification” that we’ve received the COVID-19 vaccination but we still won’t have to show ID to vote!
Vaccination cards will be issued to everyone getting Covid-19 vaccine, health officials say – CNN https://t.co/UuVGHA53DF
— Courtney Holland 🇺🇸 (@hollandcourtney) December 3, 2020"

Why FREE MASON Lodge Members Lie About Everything…
It is evident that WE THE PEOPLE never went to the moon in the Firmament of the DOME OF THE ROCK, and that all Religions are used to “oppress” WE The People whom give birth to all of humanity… Through just basic Observation of MASONS being the CEO’s of every company, and corporation in this FLAT EARTH Celestial Sphere World from the USA to MADE IN CHINA, it seems a mason [must lie] Qballs~ /_\ for they took a BLOOD OATH to be murdered, and Die if they ever spoke honest words to we The nonmason Tax Paying “Citizens” of our U.N. FLAG Countries… What is done to our nonmason children {to turn them} +=+ into FREE MASON Lodge Members is a simple enough Trick or Treat where children be they Jew or Gentile are Given Money, and Trained in Status, and Vanity to know that IF YOU LIE, you can get “anything” you’m want: even your own self destruction… For MASONS have no honor, no dignity, and these liars among liars are The Blind Leading the Blind that the [ultimate] [{**}] nonmason Christ Jesus 1.0 confronted them all, and paid dearly for Speaking Truth to this MASONIC {NEWS} World Order…
That said: some Mason did learn to {Walk Away} [{*}] and find new identities as FREED MASONS from the Slavery known as Lying for a living to do WAR IS MURDER when murder is against the LAW of all Gods and Goddesses [except for] these TALMUD ZIONIST, and their Jesuit agenda of turning the Greek ROMAN {God of Pan} where King Midas The CAPITALIST gave up the Rat Race in the Year of The Rat to return too Nature and try to save OUR FATHER EARTH, and OUR MOTHER HEAVEN… However, these TV Shows and their CORPORATION [TV Screens] cannot STOP filling the minds of our children and our old with False “Promises” that STOCKS and BONDS and Crypto Dollars will save the day when OVER Consumption has [decimated] /-\ the Lands, and the Skies, and The Waters with Corporate Capitalist Toxic Waste… It is known that MASONS control all RELIGIONS from Islam to Catholicism to every {Christian Church} of these BLUE and Green eyed people where they are but the Remaining 6% of the Human Population in 2020 A.D.
And as these Blue and Green eyes [come to an end] in the year 2030 if not by 2025 as JADE HELM 15 of the U.N. FLAG Agenda 21 wants a ONE WORLD Religion called FAKE SPACE, and a one world Skin Tone – Brown Eyes – BLACK HAIR ONLY “Population” till the end of time in 2094 C.E. WE ARE do study the {eye color} of people where we live……., and once Agenda 30 of the U.N. FLAG Takes out Australia – Canada – U.K. - E.U. - USA…….., then there will be no more Blond……, or Red Hair people let alone these Green….., and Blue Eyes for “the mission” of the UNITED NATIONS of BACK HAIR ONLY people was to wipe out these remaining “Genetics” in OUR Human Race…., so only Brown Eyed people would be alive..., and if you have not [looked] around Persia – Arabia - India – Pakistan – China – Japan – Korea, and all other BLACK HAIR “ONLY” PEOPLE with Brown Eyes, you are misreading these U.N. Peacekeepers and {World Police} for they are Monsters whom took away all your NATIVE Blue.., and Green eyes people from your U.N. Occupied flags….
There was a Time., all BLACK HAIR ONLY People had light skin tones, and fair hair, and we even had Grey Eyes, but the Grey Eyes have been [wiped out] by PROJECT BLUE BEAM……..., and soon these Masons and their DEPOPULATION of all {Green and Blue} eyed persons will be resolved and remedied through their MITIGATION, and I do not know [what happens] when Our Collective HUMAN RACE loses these Traits, but there are these “things” called SOLIDS whom make a persons eyes go SOLID BLACK, and if they are the {Black Goo} too be injected into our people, then many BROWN EYES will die as well cause the BLACK [SOLID EYES] are the invasion force from the Black Sentient Goo, and this BLACK Goo is the “nano” robotics in your Covid19 Vaccines, so you would do well as a nonmason and a FREED MASON to {kill anything} that tries to inject your body with SUBJUGATION CODE…
Johnny Exodice
I have done all I can as The Oracle for the End of an Age to make you see the “Chem Trails” in the Skies are just POLLUTION DUMPS of Chemical Plants that make all your PLASTIC Cell Phones, Computers, Tablets to Lap Tops too these ELECTROMAGNETIC [Big Screen TV’s] where every year you throw away YOUR “Technology” that still works too {fill your} land dumps, and your water supplies with more, and more, and more of your Take Out “Styrofoam” Plastic and Rubber WASTED Lives… The Who: Their all WASTED!!!
The Society of nonmason~
Remember, Remember, The 5th of December where “WE ARE” nonmason light a candle for all our nonmason dead by these FREE MASON {houses of Satan} from the Book of Revelation… Christ Jesus RETURNED….
The Sentinel…
We Are Revelation… We do not forgive… WE DO NOT COMPLY… Game Over~