How To Teach Women To Shoot A Shotgun! (It needed to be made) at James Yeager's Tactical Response
American Gun Chic learns to shoot a shotgun at James Yeager's Tactical Response with Tim Morris. YES!!! This video needed to be made. There are too many " Girls with guns fail " videos so we are hoping this helps people how to teach women (& men) how to properly hold and shoot a shotgun! American Gun Chic is about as far away as can be from the Gould Brothers anyone could be, but after watching some Hickok45 videos and being with people she trusts, she was ready to tackle the task!
Tactical Response l James Yeager l Teach a girl to shoot l Girls and guns l How to shoot a shotgun l Teaching a girl to shoot l Teaching women to shoot l Girls and Guns Fail l Hickock Shotgun l Gould Brothers l

Your Parrent's can teach you more about gun's and that's for free.

Great job! Keep up the great work! Just keep practicing and you'll get better!

Awesome. Luv. The girls bowing up on the guns...dwn home style.. Weight takes a little gettin used to 4 girls. U did great...practice practice...

Hey great vid...good job handling 12 gauge boomers...can. U repost the speargun hunt I missed it...what were u hunt n ? Get any hits?

Good job , I only shot pump action shotguns, always wanted a semi auto shotty, great video.