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Jew Lovers Are Your Worst Enemies

How to take YOUR training to the next level

the_sonofliberty - 724 Views
Published on 18 Apr 2018 / In Film and Animation

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Order your SIRT PISTOL & Accessories HERE - DONT FORGET TO ENTER PROMO CODE ------- LIBERTY10 ------ to save 10% off your entire order

I've been using this SIRT Pistol now for almost 2 months. Now I understand why people love them so much, and never see any on the second market. Think about it. How many of these have you ever seen for sale? I've never seen any, because if I had I would have bought it. A SIRT pistol is an investment. Not only is it an investment, it's a tool. And just like any tool, you have to use it to become effective with it. I have used this while on a business trip, diagnosed my own shooting deficits, used it to teach my kids proper weapon handling skills, and of course tortured my dog and cats with it.

It's really hard to quantify the amount of return you can achieve with something that allows you endless trigger pulls, with instant feedback. So far I've pulled the trigger on this SIRT at least 1000 times and I've not owned it 2 months. I do hope to see a Glock 19 version among other common models in the future, but only time will tell.

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Jew Lovers Are Your Worst Enemies