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How to draw an elephant step by step, #Kids, #YouTubeKids

Vasyl Mirchuk
Vasyl Mirchuk - 766 Views
Published on 23 Jun 2018 / In Film and Animation

How to draw an elephant step by step, #Kids, #YouTubeKids
In this lesson, you will learn how to draw an elephant step by step in a pencil. The elephant has a large body and huge legs like thick pillars.
But unlike other animals, it's easy to draw an elephant. True, his large ears, trunk, and fangs, simple in appearance, are not really easy to draw so that they look realistic.

1. Draw the main lines of the body of the elephant
Start drawing from the original contour in the form of an oval for the body. It is not necessary to adhere to the geometric accuracy of these contours, you see, I have this figure too painted rather carelessly. This is just the previous contour, which is necessary for marking parts of the body of an elephant, which in the future will need to be removed from the picture. Slightly left to draw a circle for the head and combine these figures with a curved line.

2. Draw the contours of the trunk and legs
The elephant in our picture moves, you can pass this movement by using the foot position. Draw legs (on the left side) slightly raised, for this purpose draw out contours of the upper parts of the feet (ovals) with a slight inclination. In the next step, we draw the lower part of the legs, and then it will be seen that the elephant is going.

3. General contour of the body shape
It is easy to draw a trunk under the already existing contour markup. Do not make the trunk of the elephant too thin or too thick. Compare, for example, with the thickness of the legs. By the way, the legs of an elephant have flattened, almost round "feet". It's easy to draw them, so feel free to finish drawing an elephant at this stage. Remove unnecessary contour lines from the drawing.

4. Figure of the elephant in details
We were able to draw an elephant, we only have to add simple other details and the picture will be completely completed. Start drawing from the simplest. Draw an eye, after you can draw two tusks and a tail. It will be a little harder to draw an elephant's ear, but I think you can handle this, looking at my picture.

5. How to draw an elephant skin
After we succeeded in painting the body and head of an elephant step by step, we begin to paint the skin. In some places, it needs to be covered with wrinkles, folds. You can do this with pencil strokes. And on other parts of the skin apply a fine "grid", in the form of intersecting lines. Do not press strongly on the pencil, the lines should be barely noticeable. Try to figure out the elephant's eye correctly.

6. How to draw an elephant. The final step
Before this step, you must already completely draw the elephant and proceed to paint the pictures. If you decide to paint only with a simple pencil, then you need to take a soft pencil (2m) and apply shadows. The shadows will add volume and the elephant's image will be more realistic. To accurately draw shadows on the body of an elephant, you must imagine from which side the light falls or the sun shines. The closer you will be lighter. In the places where the legs are connected with the trunk, the ears with the head are depressions, the shadows are thicker there.

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