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How Israel STOLE America and President Trump Sami Hamdi onepathnetwork.mp4

AllTheWorldsAStage - 428 Views
Published on 03 Aug 2024 / In News and Politics

How Israel STOLE America and President Trump Sami Hamdi onepathnetwork
OnePath Network

How Israel STOLE America and President Trump | Sami Hamdi

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David Simmons
David Simmons 7 months ago

Look man I know what war is. It murdering innocent women and children. Our God of our Holy Bible showed us of that. Read the Old Testament, could be you would understand it. So then Jesus said things and did things that make a whole lot of sense to me and my family. I would love to see you come into America and destroy all of the abominations of the spirit of our Heavenly Father, but why not just destroy the Jew? instead. The tribe of Judah. But please leave out the people of Israel. In other words Israel needs to live Judah needs to die. Just like our American Military Industrial Complex needs to be cut off from American money, and get responsible to our written Constitution and our representative Republican form of Government. Thanks for your video I did learn something thanks for your time.

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David Simmons
David Simmons 7 months ago

Please slow down. 1913 and the rape of Americans' wealth was a long time ago, and it is with us today. America has been ruined by the Jew, few of us get it. Christians and Muslims have a lot in common. I had the benefit of working with Muslims. They are very intelligent and they like us Christians believe in one Heavenly Father. Now I say verily to you, we Americans have been destroyed by the synagogue of satan. There is no end to the evils of paper money that is backed only by politics. Adolph Hitler gave them time to leave his Germany and take their satanic ways of pornography with them. Had he murdered 6,000,000 Jeudah there would be no more Judah. It would have been a clean genocide. So now that we have established the lying and cheating and stealing of the Jew, what is the next step to freedom to serve our Heavenly Father? Jesus made the same charge 2024 years ago when he called the Khazarian Judah the synagogue of Satan. You really have to understand that these Jews own America, the law makers ,the banking system, and it goes on and on. If we want to buy a house they judge us on our ability to pay off the loan, ten they print the money. This is so evil few understand it.

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David Simmons
David Simmons 7 months ago

Leave Israel out of it. It's like American citizens are not responsible for an out of control Military Industrial Complex run by Satan. The Judeans of the Tribe of Judah are our enemy just like Jesus said, the synagogue of Satan. The everyday citizens of Israel are just stupid sheep just like us Americans.

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