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Horus (13 "Typhonian" gods of Egypt)

spirit warrior of the mist man
Published on 01 May 2023 / In People and Blogs

“Egyptologists recognise about 40 forms of Horus and some treat them as separate gods, none of them however readily equates with the Crowley’s ghastly ‘Horus’ vision inspired by Nyarlathotep-Aiwass.” (Epoch)

Horus more well known as part of the later famous story or passion play of Isis, Osiris. The generation of five “cursed” gods, include Seth and Nephthys and a Horus. This extremely important and productive myth concerns dynastic struggle among the gods. Seth tricks and kills his Brother Osiris in order to take absolute power for himself. Or another way of looking at it is that he Initiates Osiris, albeit in a diabolical way, into the role of Lord of the Underworld. Isis conceives another child also called Horus, who being a child is unable to resist his stronger Uncle, and has to be protected by Isis until he is strong enough to challenge for the succession, depose Seth and take absolute control himself.

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