Holy Smokes! The New World Order! | Tom and James Prophecy Podcast
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Tom Hughes
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James Kaddis
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Calvary Chapel Signal Hill
Real Hope with Tom & James

IF you live in a Confederate South state stand with us as we stand taking back our Christian CSA South Nation as the Founders establish it to permanently be !
https://www.confederatearchive.com/csa.html = CSA Constitution
https://www.https://www.confederatearchive.com/ = CSA Declaration of Freedom
From US DC UNlawful occupation. WE are NOT the USA we are the CSA !
Click the song off - i's' not the way our National Anthem is to be sung. The real way is on another page on this web site. By Lee Greenwood "DIXIE" that is the respectful way it's to be sung.
Those fast hopping versions are like dancing on the graves of our precious fallen soldiers who gave all for God and our CSA Nation and freedom !.