HIGHLIGHTS - Ted Cruz Does The Math Exposing Judge Jackson
Short on time, but still want to stay informed? Today's War Room Highlights covers clips from all 3 hours of the broadcast with your host Owen Shroyer along with special guests Dr. Daniel Nagase and Karen Kingston!

your coca cola bottle will cost 100 $ instead of 1 $ during a few hours ... while you sleep

indeed, there was one way among others to reimburse usa 30 trillion $ debt :
buying 300 billion euros, then collapsing dollar value by 100 in order to buy 30 trillion $ with 300 billion euros, then re-evaluating dollar to fort knox gold stock once debt being shrunk by euro purchase and dollar devaluation...
they did not do it because they do not even know how to stimulate wall street without rumsfeld wallet instead of european wallet since they are german, austrian and english betraying usa with dalai lama, harry travolta and william hitler working for gestapo