High Firepower Pump Shotgun?! Adaptive Tactical Mag System
Nutnfancy - 57 Views
Published on 05 Apr 2018 / In People and Blogs
Correct your serious firepower deficiency on your Mossberg 500 or 590 with this. Instead of five or so, you'll have 10 rounds of 12 gauge firepower to correct any social situation go awry. The system will add some weight and bulk but it's a damn shotgun, whadda' expect. It's built well, priced fairly, and will transform shotgunning for you. Like anything successful, expect copycats. For your sweet TNPr price on this high firepower system for Mossberg 500/590 got to: http://nutnfancy.adaptivetactical.com/
Note: I held off on publishing this video until Adaptive Tactical came through with a TNP discount in exchange for the publicity. They did!
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