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HIDDEN ITEMS in Shroud of Turin Image (Nails, Belt, Tefillin, Pony-Tail, Crown of Thorns)

Conscious Mind's
Conscious Mind's - 507 Views
Published on 06 Jul 2021 / In News and Politics

Close examination of the Shroud of Turin image reveals many hidden items. Items that may change the way we think about the life and death of our Lord. If this is truly the image of the crucified body of Jesus, these items reveal things about his appearance and religious practice that Christians are completely unaware of. These items include a necklace with 3 Hebrew letters, a snakeskin belt, coins on his eyes, nails, tefillin, a pony-tail, the crown of thorns, flowers, a chain, etc. Watch this Nelson Walters video to learn about all these fascinating items that likely surrounded Jesus at his burial.

The Shroud of Turin Image was ALIVE AND MOVING

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Suzanne Anon
Suzanne Anon 4 years ago

The Shroud is TRULY the 'eyewitness to the resurrection'. HOWEVER, Yashua was NOT 'JEWISH', and I FAIRLY QUESTION this assertion of 'tefilllin' being affixed to him AS THOUGH HE WORE IT IN LIFE!

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