“Here’s How it Works, Dr. Fauci, I Get to Ask You the Questions!” – Rep. Jim Jordan Puts Arrogant Fauci in His Place
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FRAUDci's place would be dangling from a rope.
opportunist and domestic terrorist, who helped create covid.
the Red Cross wants blood, but not if its been "vaccinated"..
funny how the adrenochrome vampires want the same?
I can understand not knowing a Glock from a tazer, both are plastics.
if you're under pressure grabbing quick, by feel it'd be hard to tell.
personally I like a holster putting the grip at my crotch and barrel pointing away+down in front of and over my left thigh. no barrel pointing at my junk, its same holster for outside waistband, clipped on the left instead of the right, with the belt clip rotated about 45 degrees. also like how Lauren Boebert carries strapped to her thigh, is the quickest easiest place to be drawing from.