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Heart Attacks. The Big Cholesterol Hoax with Dr Wallach Part 6

Truth Seekers Worldwide
Published on 31 Aug 2024 / In News and Politics

We're able to prevent 98% of all birth defects in animalsn with preconception nutrition.

We can prevent birth defects that are considered to be genetic in humans such as: Down syndrome, Cystic Fibrosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Heart Defects of all kinds, Club Limbs, Missing Limbs, Hernias, Biochemical Defects such as Epilepsy, PKU, and others.

Vegetable oil can cause heart disease, the truth is different from what we've been taught!

We use cholesterol for 25 essential functions in our body.

One of the greatest pieces of medical fraud that's ever been perpetuated against the American public is, cholesterol!

75% of your brain weight is pure cholesterol.

If doctors don't know about natural health, nutrition, longevity, and that God made a mineral or herb to fix EVERY disease there is. The toxic poisons they push do nothing but compound the problem and make us more sick needing more drugs-the medical industry has been a hoax since the 1800's and only becomes more corrupt every passing year!

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Take Control of Your Health, Minerals and Herbs for Every Disease, Dr joel D Wallach, Life Longevity

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