traitor jane fonda caused the death and/or torture of american POWS in north vietnam
i'm guessing that bak in the days of my youth i read some book by noam chomski but a lot of it is fading...
actually the u.s. and all other western nations who participated in the vietnam war.
ho chi minh ask president truman for help, to make a deal with france and stop their colonial rule.
france and england did their colonial rule where they go into small countries, steal resources and use the people in slave labor. ho chi minh told truman that the u.s. was the only large country that france would listen to and that he didn't want to go to a communist country to ask for help but that would be their only other option.
it could had been done peacefully but no these money hungry nations of the west want to control everyone and everything. so you can thank the western nations for all the deaths, not the actress. jane fonda has done many things wrong in her life with her leftist views but this war is the western nations fault. they didn't do the moral thing and help and they fired the first shot to start the war.