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Handsome Truth- Grandmother says he's an 'Italian, Mexican and maybe Jewish' 'white supremacist' Racist Nazi

Unoraza DragonsPaw_Blogspot
Published on 30 Apr 2024 / In People and Blogs

Only a blood test by this freak job LARPING as a 'white supremacist' violent racist could prove to me he's not Jewish as his grandmother suspects; this younger photo set off my Jewdar as do his 'racist and dangerous white nationalist' LARPING antics!

The fact he can afford GoyimTV without a job suggests he has some serious backers and I'd love to sue for defamation and discover these bastards funding all this 'white supremacist' kosher baloney; it's likely the ADL and B'na Brith! Censored 'Free Speech'

Sadly, these videos on this CLOWN do not YET exist on UGE!

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