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Greek Gods Explained In 12 Minutes

Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice - 700 Views
Published on 31 Oct 2020 / In Film and Animation

The Greek Gods represent humanity at its best and worst, from the violent and destructive Ares to the beautiful and seductive Aphrodite, Greek mythology demonstrates the epic power struggle between parents and children in an endless quest to gain control over the world. Tales pass down from each generation showing them to be some of the most influential deities in human history, that continue to have a significant impact to this day.

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The Life Guide is a channel dedicated to providing interesting and educational content about a range of political, philosophical, economic and historical topics. Whether you are interested in a simplified explanation of complicated modern ideas or detailed information on ancient civilizations and philosophical schools of thought, The Life Guide is the channel for you.

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Johnny Exodice
Johnny Exodice 4 years ago  

Teacher…, what does it mean to have TWO Celestial Spheres where ONE is called Heaven, and the Other is Called HELL.?.?.? For me it means completion……..., and would explain why I was chosen before birth…….., but not INCEPTION into Conception inside the [Womb] @Qball /_\ of my Mother why……., I would become the “Male” Oracle for the End of this Age… Now…..., you must look at the Yin….., and the Yang…., and we are {The Dots} [{**}] of White Dot and Black Dot while we are “surrounded” by the Many whom make up the White…, or the Black.., and when you think of how hard the TV Shows of these FREE MASON Lodge Members “try” too make WHITE hate BLACK., and BLACK hate WHITE’ this is their old Trick or Treat of Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis, and if this UNION were ever too ever ACTUALLY happen between our {Two Celestial} +=+ Spheres let us say: one WAS ALL GOOD, and the OTHER WAS ALL EVIL, and then you made them into this Flesh, and The Blood, and The Bones where WE THE PEOPLE were given at Birth [The Gift] [{*}] of Choice……., not FREE WILL for Choice is all anyone actually has, and if you captured me, I no longer have the FREEDOM “too” travel where I wish, but in my thoughts, I still have the “Choice” too think what I wish… We Have TEMPORARY Temporal Corporeal Mortal LIVES in both Celestial Spheres…….., and you can do things to Return Home aka HEAVEN, or you can Do things to be Thrown into HELL aka Purgatory aka Hades aka THE WORLD OF THE DEAD!!! Those whom do magic thought it would give them an ADVANTAGE over we their Fellow Celestial “Beings” in these Celestial Spheres……..., and there will always be people whose eyes go SOLID BLACK for they are the Incubus and the Succubus, but it does not mean these People of HELL want to be ruled by TYRANTS down here in Purgatory anymore then I Christ Jesus 2.0 want to be Ruled By Gods or Goddesses like the Greeks and Egyptian Teachings in Heaven – Nirvana – Shamballah, and for many: They have “no clue” what the ESOTERIC actually is, and they think God can have children without A Goddess.?.?.?.?.?’ when All in Nature Speaks MALE AND FEMALE “make” the babies of Animals, Sea- Life, Plants and Insects, so why any PERSON would think G.O.D. is a Dick with ONLY his “Penis” can make Babies with no Vagina or Womb is beyond me?????, but that is the Teachings at this time here in HELL… Heretofore, On this Halloween Date of OCTOBER 31st, 2020 C.E. where the Moon aka La La is in “Conjuncture” with Uranus aka Cronus the God of TIME….., I do so make this Declaration about [all people] whose EYES do go SOLID BLACK…..., you are not a Slave Race, Nor do YOU’M bow down to other people with EYES that go SOLID BLACK, nor are you to do WAR IS MURDER when the {Host Body} of your fellow SOLIDS die just as we Humans Die in these Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Body Temple Avatars, and Take Out any whom [lie to your face] / * \ about MOON Landings that never happened anyplace except in the Imaginations of your minds watching these TV “SCREENS” just as you must kill in SECRET those whom continue down this path of WORLD WAR FOUR: as they have laid the foundation for WAR IS MURDER during the U.N. Troops {NEWS} World Order lock-down by (covid19) of all we humans, and all You solids within us… This place is Hell, but once again, it does not have to be a hell of their PizzaGATE SATANS and all Their FREE MASON Lodge Members; EARTH can be “the place” of Mother Heaven, and Father Earth for as easily as these SOLIDS, and their nonhumans have taken all from we SOLIDS, and our Humans, they still wish too ERASE BLACK and WHITE…….., and that would make all GREY, and we know: Either Everything exist, or Nothing Does, so Fight for {Your Right} too Exist, and Heaven and Hell will have Balance once again…., and Chaos can return to being Chaos, and not the God of the Underworld… The Oracle for the end of An Age connected to The Source of All Creation, and All Destruction has so spoken… The Book of EXODICE!!!

You can be certain the Warlocks, and The Witches, and the Sorcerer to the Wizard too all other people and their solids whom practice the “Dark Arts” have seen what has happened, and we can Heal Heaven and we can heal Hell, and let us take into consideration, WE THE PEOPLE be we human, or nonhuman with our SOLIDS that have “always” been in Heaven and Hell, and we just did not know they were TERMS for Light Side of the World, and Dark Side of the World: inside these TWO Celestial Spheres, and there is much to do and explore on BOTH SIDES of our FLAT EARTHS, and Inner Earth once we ESTABLISH Our World Republic Constitution Coalition, and do away with all Admiralty – Maritime – ROMAN PAPAL LAWS!!!

The Sentinel….

Remember this my people of Pak-Toe: EVERYTHING is Thought, and our Thoughts can make the LAWS, and their Thoughts of The Racka can come to pass Once and for All in Heaven and Hell… In this knowledge: A New Heaven and A New Earth where earth was actually the term HELL all along… Christ Jesus Returned...

The Commander~

∞ ///|||\\\ Ω

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