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Graphene Oxide Wireless Network: Bioweapon Shots Contain Wireless Nanosensor

Slawomir Slowianin
Slawomir Slowianin - 745 Views
Published on 30 Nov 2021 / In

Graphene Oxide Wireless Network: Bioweapon Shots Contain Wireless Nanosensor

On this show, we’ve repeatedly mentioned the work by “La Quinta Columna” in Spain. That name means “the Fifth Column,” and it’s a group of dissident research who have investigated these vaccines. Most importantly, they’re the ones who studied a vaccine sample and found graphene oxide in it.
Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid is a professor of chemical sciences at the University of Almeira. But he’s also affiliated with La Quinta Columna and has dedicated himself to performing an independent analysis of vaccine samples. And he’s now released his findings in three parts. Earlier this month, he put his full graphene oxide findings on ResearchGate. And his findings were clear: Using a technique called micro-raman spectroscopy, he found ample evidence of graphene oxide structures within random vaccine samples.
But Dr. Campra’s follow-up research could be even more important. In another ResearchGate paper, Campra speculates that micro-structures seen in the vaccines, made of graphene oxide, could be components in a wireless nanosensor network.


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proudusagirl01 3 years ago

Ivermectin help reduce the severity of vaccine adverse reactions. If someone is suffering from a post vaccine syndrome, FLCCC clinicians and a growing network of colleagues have reported significant clinical responses to ivermectin. Because Ivermectin has 5 different mechanisms of action against coronaviruses, the medication is also effective with the different variants of the virus. Get your Ivermectin while you still can!

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