Going Deeper In God Series Part 3: To Know The Love of Christ & Granted Access To God The Father
📖 [Listen] Ephesians Chapter 3 -KJV
Alexander Scourby - Video Bible With Words
📖 [Read] Ephesians 3:16 - 3:21
16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;
17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
18 May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;
19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.
20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,
21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
📖 https://theholyface.org/kjv/Te....n-Commandments-KJV.p
📖 https://ugetube.com/@MaryTanasy
📖 https://mewe.com/i/marytanasy
📖 https://www.theholyface.org/kjv
📖 https://www.theholyface.org/KJ....V-Entire-Bible-AV161
📖 https://theholyface.org/
📖 https://usa.life/KJVChristiansexposingEvilNWO
📖 https://coldcast.org/MaryTanasy
From: Brother Joseph Skinner's YT website:

Now we know in a World of Lies and Liars and being in PURGATORY too boot!!!!
Moreover, That all things are not as they seem on this side of FLAT EARTH……., and in that comprehension of INVADERS: from the Other Side of FLAT EARTH after the Mud Flood Wars in the 1800’s We The People from this side of FLAT EARTH have no say in the LAWS, nor can we escape the U.N. CAPITALIST CORPORATIONS that need to spray our sky with chemicals too turn our once 1970’s YELLOW SUN into this White Pale Horse of Dead Light from the Book of Revelation…
Once you know my Rag Tag Rebellion of and for OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition Stratocracy that the U.N. CORPORATION controls all Religions – Medications – Governments – Schools of Thoughts on and inside this Northern Hemisphere as compared to the Southern Hemisphere where THEY LIVE on the other side of FLAT EARTH that are so too: these FAKE JEWS of Hollywood from the {Book of Revelation} have so too taken over all OPERATIONS from Media to the Mason Lodges as OUT POST in your home towns, then you finally see the Complexity of how these U.N. Troops of FAKE people and Use of Force MILITARY personnel is and are the Doppelganger MUD FLOOD “Replacement” Populations from the other side of the world whom now wear not only our LOCAL POLICE UNIFORMS as freemason lodge members, but these (INVADERS) also dawn the UNIFORMS of all Military Agencies from the {G4S] as CAPITALIST aka the Corporation Military {NEWS} World Order Medicated Militant Media TV Shows and Screens of these OCCUPYING #USSF [Space Forces] of these INTERNATIONALIST from the other side of the world…….. and all these INNER EARTH {D.U.M.B.S.} on our side of FLAT EARTH!!!
Now we know the FREE MASON Saying of these Hollywood FAKE JEWS the Talmud Zionist Jesuits… A little Poison does no harm, but when all MEDICATIONS are (too harm) we the Human Populations born on and come from this “Side” of the World, compared to their As Above So Below Rant in their FREE MASON Lodges on this side of the world, but THEY LIVE actually come from the Other Side of this Celestial Sphere we all share:
then as that Medication BUILDS up day after day, you are not just taking a little bit of poison, you are increasing the {SIDE EFFECTS} of building it up, building it up, AND BUILDING IT UP!!!!!
till you Humans are all dead Dead DEAD……...,
and that is the reason these INTERNATIONALIST aka Capitalist CEO’s (POST) the Side Effects on your Medications, so these Doppelganger REPLACEMENT People, and Populations whom have stolen the Bodies of our People in the {Spirit World} REMEMBER: all thought is SPIRIT…...,
is so THEY LIVE can kill….., and murder that what once was YOUR {MOM and Dad} for that person has now been replaced in Their mind, and now your loved ones whom are old can now be killed and murdered by these Demons, and Devils, and even “Angels of Light” from the Gospels whom have STOLEN that Body; as well as, The Mind, and by [BUILDING UP] these Side Effects aka POTIONS of Poisons till one of we NON-MASON Patient / Parent / Child / Wife to Husband have so much MEDICATED BODIES:
WE ARE do so too die of SO CALLED “Natural Causes” by the Pharmacology Insurance Companies of these (CAPITALIST) whom do so too come from the Other Side of FLAT EARTH:
Not only that’ but the reason {Christ Jesus 1.0} never showed any one how to CAST THEM OUT of our people???????, it is because once the “SOLIDS” have now taken Possession over that Persons Body, Mind, and Soul be it a Natural Born like me to these Android Born Machine People of our same make up can be wiped, and (CLONED) in the Immaterial Spirit Realm of our Minds aka Thoughts…, you’m know………, Them Places we go when we Dream and Sleep!!!
Most Important…., the mind…, and soul.., and spirits of that INDIVIDUAL have been taken out., and now that (Persons Body) is only Animated by this EDISON A.I. of electromagnetism, and this is the reason these people turn into Narcissist and [Psychopaths] too keep that body till it’s Flesh, and Blood, and Bones of that persons AVATAR does “one day” so too die,
and this is also why {all World Leaders} want to live forever cause THEY LIVE are “Synthetic” Life Forms in our Biological Human Bodies, but they can’t transfer too another body once they [INCORPORATE] with one of our own, unless, they can pass on their Genetic Code into human offspring through OUR NATURAL HUMAN BIRTH, and that is why some human children have the BLACK SOLID EYES; regardless, if their Blood Type is Rh Negative, or Rh Positive!!!
too replace our people and {our ways} with their Black Empty Cobalt Eyes as all natural EYE Color is dying out as compared to the “coloured” EYES of WE THE PEOPLE in the 1970’s UFO T.V. Fake Space Moon Landing Show…
Heretofore, to help you live on past Countries in 2025 of Deagel…
You need to STOP taking the “Medications” that you know are causing these SIDE EFFECTS that COMPROMISE your Mind, and Body, and one day will kill you, and there are (many ways) for these U.N. FLAGS and their {Fake Jews} +=+ Populations of Hollywood from the Other Side of our Celestial Sphere, so THEY LIVE on these TV Screens can continue too kill, and murder we the [REAL JEWS] [{**}] from the Book of Books!!!!
In that, these Parasites can (steal) [{*}] the minds of anyone on this side of the world, as in the SPIRIT WORLD they just wipe the Spirits, and Soul, of the one youm once knew:
and then THEY LIVE these Parasites in our human EYES become that person as in INVASION of the Body Snatchers way back in 1954 the movie, and this is why THEY LIVE make WE ARE do WAR IS MURDER where only we “nonmason’ Natural Eye Colors People – Populations - Persons have been [killed off] / * \ since WORLD WAR ZERO, and now the next Planned OUT War with the BLACK HOLE EYES of China whom have BLACK HAIR ONLY Populations; furthermore, China will TURN ON RUSSIA as ISRAEL (allies) with all other Arab Nations aka Black Hair Only Populations aka BLACK Cobalt Eyes people, populations, persons these Robot People from the OTHER SIDE of FLAT EARTH, and are not {The Asians} the most COMPLIANT Obedient Cyborg and Cylon “Types” on this side of OUR Shared Celestial Sphere.?.?.?.?.?
You do not have to like anything I do say as The Oracle for the END of this Age in 2094 C.E., but I wanted you to know why all People on TV do Malfeasance cause this Term Reptile or Reptilian is actually REPLICANT [Person] Qballs~ /_\ of you and me if they get into our heads, so KEEP YOUR ANGER, not rage, nor malice, and THEY LIVE can’t take over YOUR Body of Flesh, and Blood, and Bones, but we whom have the Real {Holy Water Spirit} from the NEW TESTAMENT can Never be Mind Wiped, so THEY LIVE seek to kill WE ARE and remove us remaindering Human Spirits, and Souls, and Minds from our Collective Thought here in Purgatory!!!
However, Purgatory is but A MEMORY of what happened to our Real Home World Celestial Sphere that is the Dead Moon La La the Awful Horror from the New Testament Gospel… Not to mention the Abomination of Desolation is these A.I. Synthetic Life forms whom will put all people on the INTERNET COMPUTER, or there will be no Internet Access for we whom want to live off the grid, plan now how too live without TV and WWW, but Radio Ham Shows can always be done!!!!
Moreover, the Eyes that Go SOLID BLACK are not all parasites, but so many in Power and on TV have taken the Persons Mind over and Wiped it, and now become that Persons Personality…. You know I have a Protector that is a SOLID…. Now, you know why THEY LIVE want we the people on this side of FLAT EARTH to get the Vaccines, so they can Microwave OUR BRAINS with their 5G EMP Microwave Towers if we have that Black Goo nano metal to make our Bodies Spark and Burn like a piece of TIN Foil in a Microwave Oven….
You see my Children and People of Pak-Toe, the Racka in MATHEW 5 make all the Synthetic Medications because THEY LIVE are Synthetic Entities known as these SOLID BLACK Eyes, and these (Machine Eyes) /-\ from the FAKE JEWS from the Book of Revelation in Hollywood whom make all these RAPTURE TV and Movies [to keep us] as Food like Cattle and Sheep, but none of them are the True Christ Jesus RETURNED: for only {I AM} was chosen by the Source of All Creation and All Destruction before I was born of my dead mothers womb, and yet, she did came “back too life” to tell of that Vision when I was 5 years old….
These INTERNATIONALIST are the (CAPITALIST) whom come from the South in the Book of Revelation, but THEY LIVE changed the Bible too say: They Come from the North!!!
Christ Jesus Returned…..