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God Of The Old Testament Part 3: Moses On The Mountain

Barry J Pintu
Barry J Pintu - 488 Views
Published on 13 Aug 2023 / In Film and Animation

Let's talk about Moses and the 10 commandments. Contradictions in the biblical accounts, exaggerations and lost tablets. Are you ready to question your understanding of the God of the old Testament?

The image many have of the God of the Old Testament, is one of a 'kill-joy'. But wait a minute? Did God communicate all of these rules? However, if He didn't why were they added? And what if the rules He did give were only just the START of Him trying to communicate His will to a people whose hearts were just as hard as the stone on which the 10 commandments were written?

This is the third part of a series on the God of the Old Testament. Please watch the first video, (The Fruit of AI) and The second video (Abraham and Isaac The God of the Old Testament ) on this channel.

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