Get Sin Out of Your Life & Get Your Self Out Sinful Situations
A message for the biblical festival of unleavened bread discussing two complimentary approaches: 1) removal of sin from within you 2) removal from sin that surrounds you
The biblical feast of unleavened bread is a spiritual exercise meant to convey our seriousness toward addressing the ongoing problem of sin in our lives. The removal of leaven from our homes is a picture of the lifelong process of removal of sin in our minds, hearts, and actions.
Part 1. the removal of sin as discussed by the apostle Paul in his discussion with Corinth about the new testament observance of the feast of unleavened bread.
Part 2. the process of removing our self from the overpowering influence of sin all around us, first as pictured by Israel getting out of Egypt and second by Lot's getting out of the city of Sodom
The conclusion is an appeal to call upon the saving power of Jesus Christ to rescue you from the destructive that comes from sin.
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