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Gerson Therapy: Green Juice FOR BEGINNERS + Gerson Basics with charts!

Gee Gee Tee
Gee Gee Tee - 341 Views
Published on 07 Feb 2024 / In Health

Gerson Therapy: Green Juice for beginners! + Basics with charts! UPDATED: 10/14/2013
- Dark green lettuces -- ¼ to ½ of a head (depending on the size of the lettuce): red and green leaf lettuces, romaine, endives.Iceberg is useless and do not use
- Escarole -- 2 or 3 leaves
- Beet tops (young inner leaves) -- 2 to 3 leaves
- Watercress -- 5 or 6 leaves
- Red cabbage -- 2 or 3 leaves
- Green bell pepper -- ¼
- Swiss chard -- little
- Green apple -- 1

Greens should be washed taking care to rinse off sand or soil that is often present at the base of the leaves. Shake off water or put in salad spinner to remove excess moisture. Cut off bottom portion of stems of chard or any other fibrous leaves. Chop up because it is quite stringy and hard to pulp. This avoids raising temperature of pulp and killing enzymes.

Using a two-step (grinder/press) juicer, grind and collect pulp in a bowl. When all produce has been ground stir thoroughly, but not so much as to introduce unnecessary air into the pulp. If you're using an electric press raise the juice part slowly to avoid having pulp squirt out of cloth and onto the juice person. Using multiple juicing cloths you can prepare the second cloth while the first one is pressing. Also, some people will fold over the squashed cloth/pulp package and press it again to get a little more juice out of
the pulp. Wash juicer after every green juice. After pressing, the remaining pulp, conveniently packaged in the juice cloth, can be discarded. The green juice is much more active than the carrot or carrot/apple juices and should be consumed immediately. Dr. Gerson did not recommend storage of the green juice for any length of time before
consumption as it deteriorates rapidly.

Cover Photo credit to: Tosh Hatch

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