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12-21-2024 ── There Were These Two Trees
Church of Jesus Christ Online Ministries

Germanys Refugees Were Taught Alterior Motives Before the Welcome Culture Died (7 Year Old Warning)

JamesRoss - 760 Views
Published on 14 Mar 2024 / In People and Blogs

The secret-societies lead the "Welcome Culture" to get sheeple on-board... until the truth leaks out.
Just give the sheeple another strawman and let them burn it... we monsters who are railroading the West into collapse will chant with them that the strawman is to blame... sheeple always fall for that kind of stuff... they don't even know who we Freemasons serve and protect!

Masonic-Police tried to deny the truth from the sheep, but not enough sheep stood silent and they got caught.

The secret-society push for the burning of effigies to hide the real traitors filling most positions of authority and rigging the collapse of Western Civilization.

Now, War with Russia will be a major signal for the invaders to devastate Germanys sense of cultural-security.

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JamesRoss 9 months ago

Slowly it is making sense...
Don't call me a refugee! Why? Because I come to conquer.

Don't talk back to me when I feel-up your woman... I will dominate you:

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JamesRoss 9 months ago

3 years ago
I mean come on, if you’re a refugee have the common sense to adapt to your surroundings. Be thankful to the country that accepted you and don’t force your culture and laws into them.
3 years ago (edited)
As a german I can say its very sad how we get called nazi for everytime we slightly criticise the „Welcome Politic” in our country
2 months ago
As a middle-aged German woman, I can confirm that we are going backwards in this country. For me, my life has changed drastically, gyms, clubs, walking alone near the city, all of this is no longer conceivable. I now cover up in summer, always have my hair up and wear glasses because I can no longer bear the daily attacks. In my part-time jobs, I was touched by a man of Muslim descent, and there was also verbal violence at SAP, where I was threatened by a man of Russian descent. In the university library, in the modern museum, no matter where I am, I have been harassed by foreign men. We also have older German men in our country who are sexist, but it was just a comment. I was never threatened with violence, nor was I touched or humiliated. I am now ashamed to have helped out in the refugee camps, my naivety is definitely no longer there. I was also called a racist at university when I raised the subject. I wonder what is really going on in this country, where there is more solidarity for sexist men than women whose dehumanization is now accepted here as normal and God-given! I no longer have any understanding for this policy!
2 months ago (edited)
THIS WAS POSTED 7 YEARS AGO AND NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE!! I am so angry i can't finish watching this.
4 years ago
These refugees are not just from another culture, their thinking is from another century.
5 months ago
To the Refugees, "Never bite the hand that feeds you".
And to those who accept Refugees, "No kind deed goes unpunished".

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12-21-2024 ── There Were These Two Trees
Church of Jesus Christ Online Ministries