Genesis 10 Shem, Ham & Japhet Today 5-7 With Pictures.mp4
My people have listened to the caucus for centuries now when it comes to telling our people history now it is our turn..

The nation of tables according to us and not the caucus male - 2 images

So? If you believe that the caucus race is lying to you about the moon landing, pizzagate, jeffrey epsteins list, climate change, global warming meanwhile in the 70s they told the world teachingly that there was an ice age coming, then what makes you think he is telling the truth about the bible and who the true hebrew israelites are according to the bible according to truth? Do you believe that part then cause it benefits your inner peace and self love cause you dont want The LORD and His Son The Lord to be dark skinned woolly haired men that you call black men? (smirk) Is that it? Is that the reason you disbelieve all things your caucus government tells you but you stick on to what they say about the bible? Do you believe in a pedophile ring that stretches beyond the churches of the vaticaan and the nobles and elites of the caucus race and even that 9-11 is an inside job? Yet you believe them when it comes to the bible? HAHAHAHAH.. you are part of the problem and you will be cleaned up soon enough WITH your elites...

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