Gaza Evacuating Rafah To Khan Yunis - They entered Rafah and we fled to the unknown.mp4
AllTheWorldsAStage - 378 Views
Published on 18 May 2024 / In News and Politics
Gaza Evacuating Rafah To Khan Yunis - They entered Rafah and we fled to the unknown
مطبخ رشا الفلسطيني
صحينا على أصعب خبر تركت بيتي وكل أحلامي دخلو رفح ونزحنا للمجهول يارب إنا ضُلمنا فإنتصر
We woke up to the most difficult news. I left my home and all my dreams. They entered Rafah and we fled to the unknown. O Lord, we were wronged, so be victorious.
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