Gaza Current Situation 5 Different Displaced Families Footage.mp4
Gaza Current Situation 5 Different Displaced Families Footage
تالا وامير
يومنا الاخير بالخيمه💔هربنا تحت القص.ف
Our last day in the tent: We escaped under the bombardment.
عائلة ابو حمزة
رحنا نستلم طرد صح📦 فجأة انقلبت كل غزة وعشنا يوم مررر!!عب
We were about to receive a package right 📦 Suddenly the whole of Gaza turned upside down and we lived a bitter day!!
Summer Home
استلمنا طرد غذائي أحلامهم لمرح و نشأت
They will receive the food package of their dreams to have fun and grow up
سفرة ام يوسف من غزه
كان نفسي فيها من زمان وعملتها ورحت زياره علي اولاد سلفي
I had been there for a long time and had done it and went to visit my predecessor’s children
الشيف تهاني قاعود
المجاعة مستمرة في شمال غزة للإنسان والحيوان
Starvation continues in northern Gaza for humans and animals