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Gary Plauché shoots Jeff Doucet who had kidnapped and raped his son - LIVE on TV! - 1984 - WATCH!

billyjones - 2,034 Views
Published on 22 Feb 2022 / In News and Politics

Aired on LIVE TV, 1984. This is still some of the most gangster shit I've ever seen. If you don't know, the man in the red shirt kidnapped an 11 year old boy and raped him. The father was talking to his friend on the payphone when the US Marshals were walking him out of the Baton Rouge airport. The second he walked by, the father told his friend on the phone "here he comes, you're about to hear a shot" and then dropped the phone, turned around and shot him through his right ear. Best part is, this was on LIVE TV. The father pleaded no contest to a manslaughter charge and he was given a seven-year suspended sentence (meaning he only went to prison if he committed another crime), five years of probation, and a little community service. So, the dude kidnapped and raped his son, the father shot him in the head on live television and didn't spend a single day in prison. That's how it should work. Never served a day in jail.
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